
B1 Intermediate Level Dutch courses

B1 Intermediate Level Dutch courses

Prepare yourself for fluent comprehension

Your goal is to become fluent in Dutch. After joining our B1 course for the intermediate level you just will not be able to stop talking!

This Dutch intermediate course is perfect for anyone who already has basic knowledge of Dutch at the A2 level. In this course you will learn new vocabulary and grammar and work on your Dutch proficiency.

The B1 intermediate course is both interactive and personal. Our innovative teaching tyle unites SMART technology with your teacher’s expertise. Each lesson is taught fully in Dutch, creating the optimal environment to bring your Dutch to the intermediate level.

Our B1 Intermediate courses are for anyone who wants to speak, write and understand Dutch with confidence. Get your grammar and vocabulary up to level to start talking and reading fluently in Dutch.

Starting from 350 EUR

During your B1 course we cover the following topics essential for becoming fluent in Dutch: Dutch speaking, pronunciation, writing, grammar, vocabulary and listening. In this course you will improve your Dutch communication skills. Our Interactive lessons and tools help you learn visually and our methods optimize learning speed and comprehension of Dutch.

During our structured and captivating Dutch lessons, you will:

  • improve your communication skills and pronunciation
  • learn to convey information and opinions in more detail
  • talk about your dreams and plans for the future
  • learn useful words and phrases for specific work settings (dividing tasks with coworkers, calling a helpdesk, statistics, efficient e-mailing)
  • understand the important information from the news, e-mails and letters you receive (from companies, the government, bills, etc.)
  • learn the vocabulary that is used in testing and exams
  • repeat and add to your knowledge of grammar in a structured way

Choose the option that best suits you!

This course is meant for learners of the Dutch language who have completed Beginner courses A0-A2, according to the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) for languages. If you are interested in joining this course without having finished up to the A2 level with us, we encourage you to do a placement test with us.

Choose the course that best suits your needs and availability. You can attend standard courses with lessons twice a week, or intensive courses with lessons four times a week. Our classroom-based courses have 3 lesson hours of 45 minutes per lesson. Online courses have 2 lesson hours of 45 minutes per lesson.

You can choose to attend classroom-based courses at our school in Utrecht, or online courses via zoom.

This is our full-level, full package B1 course which is our most popular course and the best deal for the intermediate-level of Dutch. You will gain a working knowledge of Dutch grammar and continue to focus on pronunciation and active use of Dutch.

This package course covers the first half of the B1 Dutch language level at Dutch First. You will get a head start on intermediate-level grammar knowledge and work on your Dutch proficiency.

Start the intermediate B1 Dutch level with the first of four short courses at the intermediate level. You will repeat and improve on grammar topics you have already learned and get started on topics such as talking about the future or habits.

Continue your B1-level course with us with our second of four short course modules at the intermediate level. This course is perfect for those who have completed B1.1 and you will learn how to communicate at your workplace efficiently.

Get started on the second half of the intermediate Dutch level with this package course. Finish the B1 intermediate level with us and master topics such as formal/informal Dutch, prepare for the B2 level with this package course! This course is meant for those who have finished the first half of the B1 language level with a B1.2 or similar course.

This B1.3 course is the third of four module courses at the B1 intermediate level. Finished a B1.2 course with us? Start the second half of B1 with this course that covers topics such as passive sentences, having formal phone calls, talking about different cities and recognizing and pointing out causal relations in Dutch.

Finalize your B1 Dutch learning journey with us with the fourth and final of four course modules at the intermediate level. This course continues from our B1.3 course and covers topics such as talking about the news and trends, having discussions or monologues and talking about differences between countries

Course material for classroom-based courses

The use of books and other teaching materials on the course is obligatory. Books are not included in the cost of the course and you can buy the required books at our school or in most bookshops. Your instructor will also provide additional material that is not included in your textbook and associated workbook. You will receive homework based on the textbook and workbook used on your course.

Obligatory materials:

  • Contact! nieuw 3 textbook and workbook

The books are available in a paper version or a digital version (license 14 months). You can choose to buy what you prefer to use. Bring your paper or digital books to each lesson.

  • Contact! – Nieuw 3 (B1): Set hard-copy textbook and workbook including digital license €84,95; or digital text- and workbook combined for €49,50.

You can get the books from the publisher, at a store, or directly through Dutch First. About a week before the course starts, we’ll share details on the required materials and how to purchase them.

Course material for online courses

Our online E-learning + virtual classroom courses are all-inclusive courses. Included in your course you will get 24/7 access to engaging online digital resources with language trainings such as listening comprehension, pronunciation, reading and writing exercises and Dutch grammar, up to one month after your course. We will activate your student account and send you the instructions before your course starts. About 4 hours of preparation is required before each lesson (also before the first lesson!). You will have LIVE Dutch lessons in a virtual classroom, with a real teacher and real classmates. No books are required.

Course Certificate

At the end of your course, you will receive an official course certificate from Dutch First as proof of attendance in the course if you have attended at least 80% of the lessons of your course.

Public holidays

Lessons that would fall on a Dutch public holiday in the regular schedule will be rescheduled to take place on a Friday or the course will be moved by one lesson date. There are no lessons between Christmas Eve and New Year’s Day.
